The Play
From Villanova Theatre:
A community is disrupted when a mysterious young man joins a church youth group in this extraordinary new play by “U.S. theatre’s next major voice” (Broad Street Review). Wyatt, a self-proclaimed non-believer, arrives and miracles start to occur. Youth pastor Dave and his flock of young congregants must grapple with the meaning behind these remarkable events, even as they wrestle with their own issues of identity, sexuality and faith. Barrymore, Whiting and Terrence McNally Award-winning playwright James Ijames weaves together magical realism and rousing, gospel-inflected songs in this heartfelt exploration of what it means to live and love in a world where anything is possible.
James Ijames’ play Youth exemplifies the battle between classical religion and traditions and the need for a more expansive, inclusive form of worship. From Jennifer’s suggestion that they update the dialogue for “the woman at the well” to Wyatt and Reggie’s creation of “a new kind of holy,” Youth attempts to reconcile traditional spirituality with modern existence and belief systems, as represented by the youth of the play’s title. Through Wyatt, the play questions old traditions and beliefs and how they function — whether or not they continue to function — in today’s world. In addition to this thoughtful examination of faith and spirituality, Youth offers pure magic and spectacle in the presentation of Wyatt’s confusing supernatural powers, and plenty of irreverent teenage humor.